Our Companies

The Ciemel business group is dedicated to the development and management of a general investment portfolio with presence in the automotive, agribusiness, construction, mining, real estate, financial, accounting and law services sectors. It comprises four subsidiary and five partnerships. Our subsidiaries are: Corporación Ciemel, Bosques de Canoas, Mincal and Productos Concretos. Our partnerships are: Yazaki Ciemel, Arneses y Gomas, Helechos de Cuero, Gamtec and Experiencia Verde. 



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Oficinas: Carrera 11 A # 90 - 16 Piso 6, Bogotá, Colombia
Teléfonos: (571) 610 9801 / (571) 610 9804
Fax: (571) 610 9792 - info@ciemco.com